Financial Essentials for New Graduates Entering the Workforce

This is the season where a lot of you guys are starting new jobs, especially if you just graduate from college. I know what it’s like to be overwhelmed by finances because I’ve been there myself. But don’t worry, I’m here to break down all the essentials for you. First is to get a credit card with rewards, specifically points so now that you are making adult money you’re traveling more. If you use credit cards and get the rewards cards especially you can get points that go towards free flights and basically traveling for free. Second is to get a high yield savings account for your emergency fund. This is much better than your traditional savings account because you’re getting 45% in interest per a month instead of 0.01. The savings account that I recommend is in my link in bio, but you can also do your own research. The third thing you should have is a Roth IRA account, which is basically an after tax invest investing account for retirement. I usually invest in broad market etfs like BTI, but sometimes I also invest in individual stocks but that is a lot more risky. Fourth item is a 4 O 1 k account, and this is an investment retirement account tied to your employer. A lot of company he’s also do matching to your 4 1 k which is incentive they offer to employees. I’d recommend contributing up to at least the match that your employer offers the Last thing on this list is a budget slash expenses tracker. And this is such a great way when you’re starting out, you understand where your money is going, set a budget for your finances. I have a spreadsheet, LinkedIn, my bio that you guys can use. There are so many spreadsheets and apps out there as well, so do whatever that works for you.