Dollar Tree Adventures: In Search of Ghost Mugs and Fall Finds

Dollar Tree shopping. Of course we’re looking for the freaking ghost mugs. My gosh, I got a new energy drink today. Doesn’t it look fucking good? Look at these little donuts. They were only a dollar. That’s what they got. A little pink bucket. October 31st. I’m gonna get it. And they have the snack dispensers. I love the little books, but I have a lot of them already. Oh, I kind of like these for my fence outside. Oh, my god. I don’t see no damn ghost mugs, but I see Christmas. Let’s see if we see anything new down the beauty aisle. Oh, look, y’all. A day of the dead sugar dolls. Isabella, Yolanda, Carmen, Angela, Abigail, Sophia, Rosario, Emma, Anna, Flora, Gabriella, Maria, Sophia, Guadalupe, Sara, Mara, Valentina. Does are cute. Oh, we found Sally Hansen. Y’all remember, if you see the packaging, it’s probably something good in there. More Sally Hansen. And look at these. It’s the packaging for me. Definitely giving fall. And I’m still looking for the blush brushes. I cannot find those. Cute. Oh, look at the sharpeners. There’s a black one and a blue one. I think these are new eyelash cases. Oh, I love finding these. I always get them and then lose them, but if I see them, I get them again. Oh, look, y’all. Black Q tips for, like, an aesthetically pleasing restroom. Here’s some brushes, but not the blush one. There’s a purple one, too. They literally stopped me. In my trap, the balls. I was really hoping they’d have those mugs down here, but no luck. It’s okay. We’ll find another store to go to. Let’s see if I can find a good snack or energy drink before I leave. I found this cotton candy one. They said this tastes like a Lonnie Cosmic Stardust one. I’mma try it. And I’ve been looking for some Wilder flavors, but not these ones. Do y’all like the flavor waters? Do y’all do those? Instantly adds to cart. I am a slut for salted caramel, y’all. And I got these the other day. I actually like them, but some people said they didn’t. Please take the new candy I find to work with me and let all the kids try. It’ll give them energy and hush them up for a little bit. Oh, look, y’all. Boo Berry cotton candy. I wonder if it’s, like, flavored. When they have the candy corn cotton candy back, y’all. I’m getting some, right, y’all, good news. Hold on. She said they haven’t gotten the ghost mugs yet. The manager here. How exciting. So I’m gonna be stalking this location for a little while. And she said she liked my shirt. By below, y’all. 5:55. We love a good, cheap find. Bye, y’all.