Tragic Night Unfolds: The Murder of Kelly Coppola and Kenny Pullman by Daniel Coppola

All unfolded last night. The suspect, now charged with two counts of murder and an under, is now undergoing a psych evaluation. It took the lives of couple, 50 year old Kelly Coppola and 53 year old Kenny Pullman. It was Kenny’s home. Suffolk police say the shooter was Kelly’s ex husband, 50 year old Daniel Coppola. Gianna, he was driving her to his house and he was hitting things and driving recklessly. And she got scared and said, dad, I’m scared. Take me back to the house. So he leaves her in the car, goes behind a bush, or she said, behind a bush. And evidently he broke down the door, went up and did what he did. Came back, told his daughter what I. I killed your mother. And Kenny, he’s my best friend. I wasn’t known as John Poland growing up. I was. I was little Poland. I was little Kenny Poland’s brother. That’s. That’s what I was known as. Um. He would. He would give you the shirt off his back. My brother lost his wife to cancer 17 years ago. Two of his children had their mother taken from them 17 years ago from cancer. Today, this maniac took their father from them. Kelly was. They. Believe me, she. She bought the best out of him and he bought the best out of her. They were very happy.