Exploring Poison Frogs: A Day in the Life of Summer Researchers in the Costa Rican Rainforest

hello our names are Grace and Jason and welcome to the day in the life of two summer undergraduate researchers working with Doctor Saporito studying poison frogs in a Costa Rican rainforest we start the day with the walk through the rainforest on our way to breakfast after we eat we get started in the field collecting frogs for today’s trials and releasing the ones we caught yesterday we store these frogs in an ambient lab that maintains the same weather conditions as the outside one of the coolest parts about working in a tropical rainforest is all of the wildlife we get to see like monkeys toucans and even some sloths in the afternoon we run our trials for the day poison frogs obtain their poison from the toxic mites and ants that they eat and we are testing to see if a toxic diet affects things like stamina in our frogs next we head back inside enter our data from the day and to organize our spreadsheets after sunset we take pictures of the frog’s backs to analyze the contrast of the red pigment in the frog’s skin thanks for joining us today