Treasures from the Dollar Tree: Makeup, Nail Polish, and More!

Okay, part three. And so many people like, well, don’t make part threes. Well, sometimes you have to. You have to. I don’t know how this tastes, but every so often I like butterscotch candy, so we’ll find out. I actually made a video one time just opening butters or a wrapper and chomping on it. And it got millions of hits. And I swear there’s one video right now that’s hitting. Thank god. Knock on wood. And it was a mistake. It’s like, you don’t. You never know. You never, you never know. You, like, don’t ever think an idea is too silly. I’m telling you, you never know. You never know. You’ll never know. This is. I have. See, right here. This is the one I have. This makes really good with the squirrel. And I had to make sure the tap, the cap was on tight because she tried to take it. She tries to take, but it’s a funny video. I thought the video was incredible. It didn’t hit yet, but anyways, I think so. I wanted this. I, I got two. I got two of them. Oh, I did get another. Oh, wonderful. Oh, great, great. Oh, that’s wonderful. I did. Oh, that’s great. I can take the other one out because I, like I said, it’s a whole video the way it has to be done. I got the glitter everywhere. I don’t know if I ever got their lipstick. This looked really nice. It looked like a good color. Essential ageless Pink, Lily Rose, and supposed to have serum in it. We don’t have much of a makeup section, and for me, this is the largest Dollar Tree we have. Oh, it looks. Still looks really pretty. I don’t have any lipstick on. Oh, it smells nice. Oh, wow. Hmm. It smells nice. I haven’t bought much makeup. I’ve just been relying on whatever I get from TikTok, so that’s bad. And I got, um, the sticks. This is just the right size. It’s perfect, you know? And what are you. Yeah, I like this. This looks really pretty. I like the angle, and it smelled pretty good. So. That’s an old candle. I like white candles to say prayers to, so I wanted that one. I saw this lady walking around, and I’m like, oh, wow. That looks like a good deal. Holy cow. That was like, what? For real? Like, I’m like, I have a ton of these sponges from TikTok, but what I don’t have a lot of is these for the face presses and the loose powders. So, like, oh, my god. Yeah, that. That was a good deal. And also they had some. Oh, excuse me for confirmation. I see that here. A little time. What else? They had, um, eyelashes. Two sets in little bags. And then they also had wet and wild, um, eyebrow pencil and, like, an eyeliner together. They had two of them together. In the bags, which I thought was nice, but I thought, darn, this is incredible. This was a good deal. That was a good deal. Very happy with that. And I. Oh, okay. So I got some A lash adhesive for the embellishments that I put on my face because I have a lot of them. Sometimes they don’t stick. Usually I stick them on with Vaseline. Vaseline. But I says, let me try this. I don’t want to lose this. And then they had a big tube. I’m like, oh, that’d be great. But it was black, and I wasn’t sure if it dried black cause then it would take away from the embellishment. So I got this. Let’s try and see if I can tip, uh, stick them on with that. So. And I got another jar. This was a good prices. I don’t want to get too many, but two is good because she tried to steal it the other day and run out the window. Oh, yeah, yeah. Oh, and lastly, oh, my god, cat ribbon! Cat ribbon. I’m gonna make some bows, guys. Oh, my god, cat ribbon. And then he was another pride nail polish by Sally Hansen. I had just bought some nail polish, but I like brown. I like brown. I think that’s a. Where are we? Here’s a nice shade. So I was really happy with the nail polishes. I just bought $10 a bottle for. I’m going to fashion week. Next week in the city. So I bought the other ones, but this is for Halloween, and then this is basically for winter. That. But that was. That was some great. But they even had OPI nail polish, two little ones, which is a great deal. OPI is so expensive. But. Had a great day. Got up, got my exercise in, got my shopping in. A wonderful day. I don’t know what I’m gonna do tomorrow. We’ll see what happens. But anyways, I hope you all have a wonderful day, a great weekend that’s coming up. Yeah. And, like, just. I started my exercise. I swear to god, the ice cream man pulled up. It’s like, really? Cause it’s above me, the ice cream. I’m like, oh, man, what I wanted to get. Every time I have it in my mindset that I want to get the Mexican corn, cause we have the truck there. He’s not there. I was like, why? I don’t know. I just wanted to have a Mexican corn. I wanted to make the video, but he wasn’t there. The ice cream guy was there. And my god, that ice cream truck runs. He’s like, so fast. It’s like, by the time I get to him, he’s usually gone. But I. I just started exercising. I didn’t want to do that, but I was so mad. I want the Mexican corn. I don’t worry, I’ll get it. I know I’m gonna get it in October, when We have the, um. The carnival. I usually get it then. What I’m gonna do for the carnival this year is one weekend, I’m gonna go to do rides, and then the following weekend, I’m gonna go and just get something to eat and make mukbangs. Maybe go live from the fair. We’ll see. We’ll see. We do have a big event coming up. Me and a Rico gonna do something in Seattle, and then, um, the other town we’re gonna be go to the following month. So we got some events to go to. Be a lot of fun. Thank you so much for watching. Like, share, subscribe, comment. Bye, everyone.