The Unconventional Love Story of Ghost Chasm: Tales of Marriage, Sex Life, and Encounters with the Supernatural

I’m still reeling off the fact that you married a ghost. Yeah, it’s pretty mad, isn’t it? What’s the sex life like? Oh, I tell you what, that is the first question that everyone asks about ghost . And that is the thing.

Ghost. Wait, my name. Ghost chasm. Almost like , but . The ghost gas and yeah, Elizabeth gasoline. Humid alien. I haven’t met an alien, but I quite like to. Chris, nice to meet you. Never crocks my life. Okay. We. I believe if you see a crockway and ghosts definitely will be right. If I see your ghost heaven from there, touch wood that doesn’t happen. That’s right. Crocs. You will got CB Crocs ever, every life, alive or dead. This.