Dollar Tree Goody Bag Unboxing: Makeup and Beauty Essentials Revealed by Emily!

Hey, besties. Okay, Emily put together a Dollar Tree goody bag for me. Every week, we kind of get things for each other, and this is the bag she got me last week. So let’s get into it. I’m looking forward to it. I haven’t really seen any of it, so let’s cut it open. First off, I am seeing the Doctor. Pepper. Oh, this is so cute. And my doggy is gonna love it. I just know it. Know it. Thank you, girl. And this is a Dollar Tree basket. I’m putting everything in now. This is the blush powder by Ione. Love this. It’s so cute. One of them looks more shiny than the other. Anti shave cream. Of course. We love it. I’ve already tried it. It is a good product. Ooh, look at these. By Hydro Beauty. I’ve never seen these before. Makeup removers with vitamin E. Looking forward to trying this. Another one by Hydro Beauty. This is nice packaging, y’all. This is chamomile and lavender. Thank you. Um, Balearic facial, uh, hydrator. This is like a pump, like a creamy thing. Okay. I’m gonna try it soon. The pretty woman phone nails. I do have them on right now, and they have lasted me for, like, five days, so I would say they’re pretty good. Um, more makeup remover wipes. Green tea extract. This is new. More anti shave. Yes. Emily, she hooked it up. Thank you, girl. I love this. Uh, facial cleansing. Pads. I’ve never used them. How do you use these? Um. Oh, my god, these. I’m always on the lookout for these. Thank you. Thank you. Cause they’re, like, sold out everywhere, so thank you for getting one pack. Um, very cute. Sheet mask, butterfly. Ooh, the. The cute brush cleaning mat. So cute. It has a section in the back. Love it. Uh, wet and wild little makeup brushes. Cute. I love that packaging. And another one, the popsicle brush cleaning. Thank you. Oh, my god, this is so cute. Thank you, Emily. Love you. Bye.