3 Game-changing Money Management Tips from a Debt-Free Guru: Save, Track, & Avoid Debt

Here are three money management tips coming from a guy who paid off 40 grand of debt in 18 months. Number one save for large purchases. Now this may sound simple and obvious, but your car is going to need new tires eventually. Christmas is always in December, so start putting money aside today using a sinking fund method where you put a little bit away each month until you hit your goal. No.2 track your spending. If you don’t track your spending, how the heck are you gonna know where you’re at financially and if you’re on track? And if you’re spending less than you make? And No. 3 pay off and avoid debt. That’s right, debt is dumb. It steals your income, it steals your peace, while making lenders and banks really rich. If you can learn to avoid debt, live on less than you make, and stick to a budget and save for those large purchases, you will become unbelievably wealthy. Hit the follow button for more money management tips!