School Picture Day Prep: Get Ready With Me Routine

Get ready with me for picture day. Good morning. Happy Thursday. That was crisp. Like I said, today is picture day. So we’re just gonna do a get ready with me while we talk about why I care what I look like for picture day. I don’t, but, like, I do. So last night to prep, I actually tinted my eyebrows, as you can see. Maybe you can’t see, but I feel like you can actually see something. That’s why I tint my eyebrows, because I feel like I have no eyebrow hair, but now it looks like I have something. Right? I just use the just for men, and I use it in dark brown, and I feel like it. They look kind of orange right now because I self tan in them still. So we’re gonna clean those up while we’re talking. But I usually just leave it on for about 10 to 15 minutes. 15 minutes, and then just wipe them off. I did them last night, and I think they are a perfect color for today. Usually when I do 15 minutes, they’re a little bit too dark, but I think they look really good since I only did 10. And then to go along with things I did last night, I just shaved my face with my Phillips Norelco, the best razor. And then I actually self tanned my arms and my face. I feel like you can tell in my hands, they’re a little Actually, they don’t look bad. They don’t. But I just self tan my face. You can see there I wasn’t going all the way down, so I just did to my neck. But I feel like that’s a good visual for the self tan. I feel like you can actually see a difference. But I just went in with the illusions. Bronze. This was the self Tanner that, like, that Michaela Makeup Girl got into a tiff with cause she didn’t post them. But I love it because you pick, like, your skin tone, undertone your hair color or your eye color and your hair color, and then it creates, like, a custom color for you. And it doesn’t come out green to start, so. And it smells really good. I’m gonna try to have everything linked that I’m talking about or using today in my Amazon storefront. Since all of you care so much. I just know that this you can get off TikTok. Okay. I’ll be getting another one off TikTok, too. Usually my first step is toning, but since I just self tanned last night, I don’t want to take off too much of the self Tanner, so we’re gonna skip that. But I usually use the Cerave one. I’ll post a picture. But I ran out, so I’ve been using the ordinary, which is great. I just. I feel like it kind of burns my skin just a little bit, but I feel like that’s because It’s doing something, so I try not to use it every day. So I need to go get a new Cerave one cause it’s my holy grail. And then just gonna go in with my Oxy toll care vitamin C serum. My mom actually got me this. Not really sure she got it, so if I can find it on Amazon, I’ll put it in my storefront, but if I can’t, then so sorry. Here it is. I love it and I’m sad because it’s almost gone. Next I’m gonna do something that’s new to my routine. I’m just gonna take my. Oh, Lumify drops. I thought that was like the ingredients or whatever it’s label. So I’m just gonna take my Lumify drops. And I just got these this week, so I’ve only used them twice because I don’t really know how good they are for your eyes, but they do make a huge difference. I’m gonna post a before and after. I just took a picture of my eye now. Like, as you can see, I have pretty naturally dry, bloodshot eyes, and these just make them look white and bright. And for picture day, that’s what we want. I’m just gonna plop some in and 2 and literally within like a minute, they’re already crystal clear. Bright and white, bright and white. While we’re letting those settle in, I’m just gonna take my Supergoop glow screen again. I will try to have everything linked if I can. Find it. You guys might be wondering, though, like, why I care so much about my school picture. Um, I think it’s just because there’s no better feeling than, like, when a student hypes you up and says, you have such a slay outfit, and you just look so slay. Like, if you work in education, you understand that that is truly the best feeling, when kids love how you look, love how you act. Not that I want to be their friends, cause I don’t have plenty of those, but like, when they’re like, Mr. B, your outfit is so slay. You’re slaying it. I’m like, period, you’re who we do it for, okay? You are the reason for the slaying. But really, like, there’s no better feeling than the second, third grader just saying, I’m killing the game. And why would I not want my school picture that’s gonna be in the yearbook? Why would I not wanna look the best of the best? And so when they go back to like, oh, my god, do you remember how cool and amazing and funny and perfect and spectacular he was? You know, so, which all look fun and fresh. And in case, like, my district wants to use this picture for any, like, promotion. Just kidding. I just want to look good, look good, feel good, perform good, act good, educate. Wow. Next, my ole Henriksen. Olay. Still can’t pronounce it. But we want to look like my Apartment. Like a disco ball. Oh, triggering word. Apartment. You guys, I told you one thing about me. I’m a liar. This past week was just crazy. Like, I feel like I’ve not one second to breathe. So the idea of posting a recording, filming an apartment tour, and having to try to remember where everything’s from just wasn’t gonna happen. But I do have Monday and Tuesday off this upcoming week for Labor Day, so I think it’s gonna come out soon. Maybe next week. You guys, I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. This weekend’s also just kind of crazy, so I don’t wanna make any promises for this weekend, but I also don’t wanna make any promises for next week because I feel like I’ve promised enough, and you guys are like, liar. So. Told you I’m a liar. I didn’t lie about being a liar. Or did I? Just kidding. Next, I’m just gonna take my Anastasia Beverly Hill brow freeze gel. This stuff, if I can open it, is my favorite. If you’ve used, like, the Pot 1 before, this is like that, but in a gel form, and I just love it. I feel like it doesn’t leave your. You know, sometimes brow gels leave your eyebrows, like, crusty and white. This one, as long as you don’t put too much on, like I’m doing now, I feel like, doesn’t do that, which is what I need, because I never wanna look like I’m wearing anything. I just wanna look like I woke up and I’m just naturally this stunning, gorgeous and beautiful. Cute to die for, you know? But like, come on. Alright, it doesn’t look that good. But that’s like operator error. Not this error. Alani of the day is witches brew. So good. Not after you brush your teeth though, but still good. Oh, next, just gonna take my new holy grail, the EOS vanilla cashmere, and just rub this all over my body and smell like a cupcake all day. Cause who doesn’t want to smell like a cupcake all day? And then I’ve been layering it with my praline and pistachio from TJ Maxx. You guys, this is the best. And just adding a little bit, I feel like I smell like vanilla all day long. And you just smell like a warm cookie. It’s just like this. Sometimes I’ll even just be extra and I layer. Not me gonna put it on my pajamas, but who cares? I’ll just layer this on top of it too. And you just smell like the best bakery in the world. And then just to keep the vanilla going, just going in with my summer Fridays vanilla. Just to get some juicy shiny lips. Ding! I’m just gonna do my hair real quick and then I will show you my outfit. And we have to go take our picture and then work a whole day. So BRB. You guys already know the drill. Let Me d blow. Let me glow. Gotta pop some of these in again. I live my best to be my best to be my best. Make glow. That was probably so attractive. Courtney. Love you. I think this is the final. Like I said, everything I use that I can, I will link in my Amazon storefront. I know some people are asking me about like my skincare. I didn’t even tell you what I wash my face with. But maybe we can do a full skincare routine another time. Or not, cause you probably again don’t care. But this is it. I’ll try to insert a clip of my full outfit cause it’s kind of cute. Today just some blue shorts. But thanks for getting ready with me. I need to leave right this second or else I’m gonna be late. Shocker. But thanks for watching. Thanks for getting ready with me. Love you guys. Shop Amazon storefront. Let me know if you have any questions and I’ll see you soon. Not that being so wrinkled. Shocker. Bye!