The Mysterious Connection Between Bad Bunny and Taylor Swift’s Songs: A Conspiracy Theory

Bad Bunny decided to vomit on his Instagram Stories as per usual. But this post in particular is the one that I want to talk about, so let’s get into it. In case you weren’t aware, bad Bunny is one of those artists that really doesn’t post on social media that much. And when he does, he does it with a purpose. On September 7th of 2023, which was just last year, Bad Bunny and Taylor Swift were both seen leaving the same recording studio, the Electric Lady Studios, Greenwich Village, New York City. You remember the pictures? Pretty sure you’ve seen these pictures. And now almost a year later he is posting up this on his Instagram stories. He posted a very adorable picture of the two of them. And the fact that they both have songs that are named August. Obviously Benito’s in Spanish, Hers is in English. If you zoom in to each picture, Bad Bunny stops at 1:18, which goes to the part where he says. Then if you zoom into this picture, it stops at 2:55. It’s the part of her song where she says meet me behind the mall. What’s the correlation here between these two songs? Because Taylor Swift is talking about a love that was never really hers, while Bad Bunny is talking about how he wants to make this girl that he wants to make love turn to the stars. He wants to make her his. So what’s the correlation? I need my Bad Bunny And Taylor Swift conspiracy theorists to chime in in the comments below. And as always, I will definitely do the same. Besitos.