Understanding Sacrifice: The Troubling Image of Trump at a Fallen Soldier’s Grave

When you look at this picture, there’s something deeply unnatural about this. Who poses, posing with a thumbs up in front of the grave of a fallen soldier? Who does that? Somebody who, frankly, just does not understand what the sacrifice means. For people who’ve been around Donald Trump, this continues to be shocking that someone who is the commander in chief just does not seem, at some core of his being, does not seem to understand why people give their lives for their country. And again, you want to talk about cognitive dissonance. This is a man who, you know, wants to be thought of as America first. USA! And yet, when it comes down to it a time and again, whether it’s Gold Star families, whether it’s medal of honor winners, there’s something broken in Donald Trump that makes it impossible for him to understand that kind of sacrifice and heroism.