Title: Work From Home Drama: Texas Woman Fired for Flipping Off Camera During Meeting Confrontation

a Texas woman was fired today after she flipped off the camera during a work from home meeting where her boss promoted her own daughter over her now she thought her camera was off which it was but it turns out her boss has overwriting access to the camera four times like this so in the meeting the boss called out the employee and said Emily why are you flipping me off Emily thought about making something up to cover her tracks but then she just went for it and she said because you’re a piece of crap who is now promoting your daughter who doesn’t do anything delegates all her work to me I do it perfectly great give it back to her she turns it into you and you say oh my gosh you’re doing so great daughter when in actuality you and your daughter both suck and it’s no secret why both of you guys are divorced because no one would possibly wanna be involved with you too and now I don’t either on a professional level this is a professional divorce I’m divorcing you guys at that point the mom let her know that she wasn’t gonna get the satisfaction of quitting because she had already emailed HR with a screenshot of her flipping the bird at the camera and she was being terminated which is actually gonna work out well for the girl who got fired because she’s now gonna collect that employment