Immersive Music Experience: Exploring the World of 8D Audio

Okay, so I want you to watch this video so I want you to watch the video again, but this time watch it with your headphone what you have just experienced is called ad audio. Now ad audio is a kind of audio that tricks your brain into thinking you are in a very big space. 8D audio tracks are edited with special reverb and panning effects to make it seem like you are in a moving space and your head is spinning in circles. And this is usually done when the song is being mixed by special mixing engineers. So this mixing engineers first of all will make you feel like you are in a big room and then secondly, they will make you feel like the sound waves are hitting the wall and returning back to you and going around in circles. And if you think of it is really cool because if you go on YouTube right now and most streaming services, most songs are actually in 8D because sometimes when I want to be alone and listen to my music and I put on these headphones, it’s usually like I’m in a big hall all alone, just me sitting down closing my eyes and listening to music and it’s become my new favourite way of listening to music. You should try it out. Go on YouTube right now, just type any song you want in 8D and I promise you you will enjoy the Experience