Revolutionizing Walkouts: Bringing Epic Entrances to the Arena

And then we thought, okay, what if we really get weird? So I pitched this in literally 100 out of 100 of these. When they said, this is dope, I’m like, what about a walkout? So baseball does this pretty well, right? They don’t do enough for it. Why not? You lean into it even more and say, okay, the WWE or UFC boxing, they really have the belt. So, like, what if we just go there? You pick a song. We’ve got strobes, we got a fence. You can really feel like you’re coming out into the Arena. Theater. Gladiators going out. Everyone love it. This is so dope. I don’t know what my walkout song be. No one’s ever asked me that. When there was responses come so consistently from the audience. But around on something. It sounds like her to do now.