Embracing Real Bodies: A Message for Every Mom Out There

to all of my mommas out there that are constantly comparing their bodies to people on social media I wanna give you a little bit of a reality check I get lots of sweet comments on my videos talking about how the body is giving and yada yada which is very sweet and appreciated but at the same time posing does a lot like I can pose and look hourglassy and cute and slim but in reality I’ve got a belly I’ve had two kids I have carried and birthed two children like and you can tell I’ve got stretch marks my belly button pray for my belly button it’s never gonna look the same again but I grew and birthed two children and I’m very grateful for the body I have I am you know working hard to eat the best that I can and work out to take care of my body rather than get it to look a certain way so tell my mama’s out there just anybody out there in general that is constantly comparing their bodies to other people be grateful for everything that your body does for you you are beautiful and if you wanna better yourself for health purposes you know go for it do it workout eat healthy do all the things but don’t do it to look like someone else