Comprehensive Guide to Teaching Middle School English: Short Stories and Whole Class Read Alouds

I really want my page to be super helpful, especially if you are gonna be teaching middle school English, which is what I teach. So I did put together a list of all of the short stories that I have taught over the last five years, and I did it by 6th grade through 8th grade. A couple days ago, I had posted all of the books that I would consider for whole class read alouds. So you can also find this list on my page. I love all of these books, but we usually don’t start a whole class read aloud until quarter two, so we’ll start quarter one with doing short stories. And I have found that short stories lend themselves nicely to teaching a lot of the standards. They’re a little bit shorter, mentor text, but all of these have worked really well with my students. So I’ll just kind of scroll through. And I also just compiled these resources, so I didn’t make the ones that are linked here, but you can find either copies of the story or some of them are links to resources that I have used. Um, but hopefully, like I said, that this is helpful. I do have this document, and everything else that I share on TikTok, I do put into my teacher drive, so that way you guys can have access to it. Yeah, all of these have been big hits with my students. I usually save this one. The Tell Tale Heart. It’s not usually a part of our short story unit. Be it just cause the timing. I always do it the week of Halloween, but yeah. So I hope that’s helpful.