The Power of Documentation: Your Essential Cheat Sheet for Understanding Code Syntax

Documentation. Now, if you know nothing about code and you haven’t heard anything about what the docs are, documentation is basically your cheat sheet to understanding the syntax. Always check the docs so if you’re ever running into a problem, you can easily check the documentation. Have an understanding of okay, this function does this because of this and things along those lines. And the best place we recommend to go to is W 3 schools. It is perfect. They have so many different languages. And if you’re in a program, Devslopes Academy, this is the place that we point you to go. W 3 schools is awesome. It allows you to have perfect examples. It literally has everything you need with examples and things like that. Indian Web Docs is another great one to use. But we always recommend W3 schools cause it’s very beginner friendly. They even have a handful of tutorials and exercises and things like that, so it’s super easy to use. So that’s your first place to go to W3 schools.