Papal Visit Preparations: Funding Allocated to Catholic Church, Security and Health Prioritized

Foreign Affairs Minister has confirmed today that funding has been allocated directly to the Catholic Church for them to coordinate and distribute to people engaged in preparations for the papal visit. He said they will have general discussions when the pope arrives. It’ll be a general discussion. It’ll be a general discussion, uh, probably on many different things. Uh, there’s not, there’s not an agenda as such of what they will discuss. Um, but at the end of the day, it’s a courtesy call just to welcome the Pope to, uh, Papua New Guinea. Uh, and what comes out of the discussion will be LED in by both sides, by the Pope and of course, by, uh, the Prime Minister with Indonesia West Papua and others also coming to PNG for Pope’s visit. That single said security is their first priority. Indonesian side with Papuan inside our borders with the immigration as well, which we’ve been liaising with must be on full alert. Uh, they must be, uh, ensure that, uh, all people are checked and, uh, gone through the proper process when travelling over, uh, our borders. Security is, uh, number one priority. Uh, for us. Uh, we’ve been handling them on a day to day basis, dealing with, uh, all our different eight line agencies to ensure that, uh, all bases, uh, are covered. He said the Pope’s health is also their No. 1 priority. Yeah. No, his health is our No. 1 priority as well. He’ll be Coming with his own personal medical team and doctors. But the Vatican have already inspected our private hospitals and our hospital facilities. They have already earmarked, uh, uh, in case anything does happen, we have an emergency plan put in place. Also evacuation as well, uh, to ensure that, uh, the Pope is 100% looked after not only here in Papua New Guinea, but to evacuate to Australia. Uh, well, the closest port to Mister Tatchenko confirmed that all preparations are set and PNG is looking forward for Pope’s visit. Estagane National MTV News.