Determining Between Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy: A Comprehensive Guide and Resource

how do you know if you should file Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy this is a great question and a perfectly timed question because I actually have a free resource for you guys that will help you make this process so much easier I partnered with this company called ascend and they have a free debt relief calculator where you put in all your information and then it calculates all of the different debt relief options whether it’s bankruptcy what kind of bankruptcy debt relief debt settlement all the options it’ll break down like how much is gonna cost and you know who to reach out to for the next steps and it vetts professionals like lawyers and stuff for you so that you know that you’re in good hands this company is incredible completely free for you to use it’s in my bio this thing that is gonna differentiate between Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 is the amount of money you make and how much you have in like assets and whether or not you even qualify for Chapter 7 a lot of people don’t even qualify for Chapter 7 because you make too much money so Chapter 13 is a version of bankruptcy where instead of getting all of your debt wiped away you get a payment plan basically and it’s a far reduced payment plan and it’s extremely manageable from what I’ve heard from a lot of people who have gone through Chapter 13 bankruptcies and that way you’re able to keep all your assets keep everything that you have and pay less to get that debt wiped out that’s how you decide it really depends on your state and your situation the debt relief calculator in my bio will help you figure this out