Hoop Experiment: Small, Big, Small, Big – The Stay Golden Huggies Edition

Sometimes you guys give me the best ideas. Yeah. This is my new favorite ear stack. Let’s do another hoop experiment, shall we? Biggest to smallest looked kind of weird, so I’m excited to try small, big, small, big. Boop, boop. So I have four different sizes of the Stay Golden Huggies. I have extra small, I have small, I have medium, and I have large. Let’s first try extra small, medium, extra small, medium, extra small, medium, extra small, medium. Wait, wait. I think that looks good. Am I tripping? That looks good. Hold on. Let’s try small, large, small, large and see if that still looks good. Small, large, small, large. Oh, small, big, small, big might be the new line up. Wait, I have a vision. Small hoop, two dangly charms. Large hoop, baby charm. Small hoop, two dangly charms. Large hoop, little charm, hoop, hoop, hoop, hoop. Honestly, I think small, big, small, big is my new favorite way to wear hoops.