Terminator Zero: A Philosophical and Violent Anime Perspective on Time Travel and Mythology

So I’ve been able to watch the full season of Terminator Zero. This is a new eight episode Terminator anime. I adore the Terminator movies, but I’m not really an anime person. I wasn’t really sure would the blending of the two work for me. This is the Terminator that’s most philosophical. It’s the Terminator most exploring the concept ramifications of time travel. It is the Terminator at its most violent. And it’s the Terminator lore from a very different perspective. Where the Hollywood films are all very Connor family focused, and this is a totally different story set in Japan. I’ll say this, if you just love the simplicity of the James Cameron Lord from his two movies where it’s all about the Conners saving the day from the robots, this show might not really work for you. Where the original films had a lot of illusions to Christianity with John Connor JC Jesus Christ being the savior of mankind, this is from a very eastern mindset with its philosophy and belief. So it’s not just visually style in the style of anime, it is a totally different perspective and worldview tackling the Terminator mythology. Very cool. If you’re okay deviating away from the Connor family is at the center of the story.