Embracing Growth and Learning at Rimah Fest: A Journey Toward Destiny

so stop converting certain things in anger and envy it is already in your destiny just grow to the fashion that would have that apostle I’m trusting God to be able to host a meeting like this by myself okay um let me speak as a consultant so show me let me see I can tell you without prophesying I can tell you whether you’re wasting your time or whether I do come to pass show me the capacity the network are we together do you know how to negotiate for these kinds of things do you know the factors that need to be in place for such an event to hold I don’t think I’m not interested then you will not have it and the greatest way to step into a destiny you desire is to appreciate the one that now models for you what you desire while learning from it that’s why I celebrate and respect all the pastors who have left their busy schedules to come for Rimah Fest to be inspired and to learn two things to be inspired and to learn if you see a level of excellence here beyond what you know don’t assume you’ve always known it no your results show you don’t know it so learn learn with humility when I sit here I learn I learn I’m passionate about knowing what else is not working in my life don’t be embarrassed learn learn why do I invite people and they don’t come learn though the labour of the foolish weary at every one of them because he know and know how to get to the city there is a way to influence there is a way to power there is a way to access resources how did Pastor Julian coordinate favour from all of these Paris status these businesses that are in partnership with him he was not born that way men define their possibilities through growth they define their possibilities to growth businessman thank god for what you have done but if you remain small and you don’t grow you will envy everybody man of god thank god for where you are but do you know there are greater there are still virgin dimensions in the spirit content for growth and the way you do it is by coming for events like this to expose you to what god can do with a yielded vessel you go back forth on to godliness not from a standpoint of jealousy Lord the same Lord is rich unto all let me carry this fire to my nation too let me carry this fire to I remember many years ago I used to watch Reinhar Bunke please sit down for a moment I used to watch Reinhar Bunke I attended his crusades I mean I saw tens of thousands of people very honest human personality and worst of he would come and preach a very simple message annoyingly simple sometimes and you know when you have an investment of God’s greatest spirit of revelation it comes with prides too so sometimes you just to shout those things if he’s not working in your life it is not there period you’ve heard my story I think I’ve said it many times in Kenya that in one of the events Pastor I I I came early because I desire that Grace no room for envy who is ahead of you is ahead of you period don’t argue and waste time and explain a way you are you are you are worsening the pain are we together I remember I went for the crusade gram to the crusade gram with with hunger and I saw them willing people and I said please let me participate and they said well you are not part of the committee I said I travel a long distance here committee or no comedy I have to serve disgrace I held onto the wheelchair god is my witness I was willing them to the front and I said Lord this is how it also be in my meetings no room for envy wouldn’t it be stupid for you to hear that a man being ran advonk isn’t it not laughable and childish who is ahead of you is ahead of you just find comfort and teach yourself that they were ahead of you so that they will guide you to get there too are we together when I was watching Pastor Juliana she was just churning out these strategies I said my god you see this Grace bar if it’s not on your head it’s not there I’m telling you telling you Daniel Chapter 2 says then the secret was revealed onto Daniel if if it’s not you can crack your brain and read books but once it doesn’t come it’s not there but when it comes it shows I’m praying for you that which is meant for you because you have come here to content for growth in the course of this conference may the mantle for the new the Grace for a higher dimension may it rest upon you in the name of Jesus Christ when I came in here and I saw our father in the Lord I was so happy to see him and we just exchange pleasantries and I was eager to ask him questions you see this was a man that most likely when I was born or when I was a child he was already interpreting at the crusades of Marissa Rulo here in Kenya how do you now come to compare yourself because of crowd or travels it is the foolishness of the younger generation it is the reason why many fathers are dying with their mantles because we do not know what weight is in the spirit a man may pastor 10 members but the weight that man carries in the spirit there is something called the king maker anointing king makers never become kings but they enthrone kings