Potential Title: Vice President’s Strong Chance of Winning Election Amid Growing Weariness of Trump’s Deception

I think the vice president now has a very good chance to win it. She’s certainly gonna win, uh, the popular vote by millions of votes. And I think she has a great chance to win many of the battleground states. And I intend to do everything that I can, uh, to see. See that she wins. Uh, my own guess is, Jonathan, that I think people are growing tired and fatigued, uh, with Trump’s consistent and outrageous lies. Uh, and I think, uh, no matter what, uh, people may think of Kamala Harris, I think they want stability, uh, in the White House. Uh, they want somebody who they can trust. Uh, and I think they understand that it’s not the person that Donald Trump is