Unexpected Boss Surprise: Battling the Tiny Baby Mantis Jaguar Chief in Byji

Oh okay the cutscene wasn’t activating had to be very specific okay, what’s actually what is what do we fight now though? My dudes fighting trying to pick up a little babby he’s gonna cut his hands haha おお dude he’s getting he’s getting internally cut up by a tiny mantis what wait what the hell? I’m fighting a boss inside Byji I didn’t expect this but okay the boss is the actual tiny baby mantis but it’s a Jaguar chief what? The emerald armed man what? الله اكبر get him now you shouldn’t be able to walk at all oh this is actually op I should really pluck a many oh dang it has a face change I shouldn’t have plucked many wait did you just get stronger is it about to like Fireblade? I don’t like this why are the bugs in this so op Chinese game therefore Chinese uh words the English voice acting wasn’t bad it just didn’t make as much sense and it wasn’t as cool oh shit the boss scammed me what wrong stance crap это что такое ちょっと待って や った ya すい ません 앗 yeah emerald armed mantis that was a pain in the butt oh we do get more gear from them I thought that one might actually be like a no gear one oh now I got the bracers I think that’s almost that might be all my gear the full Kong loop I got you buddy got you Buddy, 哎哈哈哈老猪吃素想必里面 也不剩阿扎哈哈哈哎你莫嫌你莫嫌好在你把这东西取回来不算太亏 哈哈哈现在师兄的金甲都攒齐了 该去那水帘洞里坐坐嘞ok yeah this complete你随我来sweet 뭐라고 got pretty op