Embracing Independence in Digital Communication: Overcoming the Fear of Immediate Responses

I’ve reached a point in adulthood where I’m not like scared to open someone’s message or have someone like see that I’ve seen their message whether that’s like on read receipts on DM Snapchat whatever and feel like I immediately have to respond I don’t know why but I was so like terrified that for the longest time I was like oh my gosh like if they can see that I’ve read it like I have to respond immediately but I literally just all of a sudden stop doing that like I literally was like okay like sometimes I would read someone’s text or read something and I would just like be doing I have to do something or whatever and then I would like go like maybe five or 10 minutes later after whatever the opened or seen button on Instagram is shown and then respond like why was I so scared of that like why would I always like why do I need to have swipe like I don’t need to do that like I can just open it read it and then like respond when I want to respond or when like I can collect my thoughts or when I have the energy so you know what I’m saying like I don’t know why I was scared of that