Navigating the Real Estate Market: Analyzing Mortgage Rates and Buyer Regrets

so here’s some good news bad news in the real estate market mortgage rates fall to their lowest since April 2023 but the bad news 82% of home buyers have regrets from buying a house the past couple years because they over extended themselves if you take the average 400 thousand dollar house with a 3% down payment closing costs about 25 thousand dollars to get and your monthly payment out the doors around 30 3 hundred dollars if you make a hundred thousand dollars you also in order to qualify for this would have to have your student loans paid off your vehicles paid off your credit cards paid off and even then you would barely qualify with $3,333 but here’s the problem of why people regret buying a home because you’re take home pay after taxes health insurance in 4 o 1 k is around 58 hundred dollars a month and if you have a 30 300 dollar payment let’s not forget about utilities pest control some maintenance 30 eight hundred of your 58 hundred take home pay is 65% of your take home pay and you wonder why people are stressed who bought the last three years but to leave this on a positive note the rates are coming down but please do the math before you lock in a 30 year deal