Leaving the Maldives: 3 Reasons Why It Was the Right Decision (Part 1)

one of the main questions I get asked nowadays is why did you leave the Maldives and look I get it I get that the Maldives is a dream destination for so many people and I must look absolutely crazy to have ever left but these are three reasons as to why I left and why I know I made the right decision number one is I think people don’t realise how long I was there I lived there for more than two and a half years during that time I had two jobs ran a coral restoration project for about two years I learnt so much in that time but by the end I was ready for a new challenge I’m not exactly sure how to word my second point but essentially the Maldives is a country of 26 atolls about 1,200 islands um but only about 30% of those inhabited and those islands are quite small and so your social life is also very very small this wasn’t a huge problem for me I’m used to being in isolated locations I actually quite like it but I was also ready after two and a/2 years to have a little bit of a “normal” life I miss my friends I miss my family and after so long I was just ready to go I done my time and it was it was the right decision for me this is getting a little bit long so I’m gonna make this into a part 2 of my third and probably most surprising reason and a little bit of like finale thoughts on why I think this was the right decision