Surprising My Parents with Matching T-shirts: A Hilarious Anniversary Gift Exchange

Okay, so my parents are celebrating their 42nd wedding anniversary, and I just recently discovered this picture of them that I’m obsessed with. So for their anniversary gift, I bought myself a hoodie with that picture on it. But then I felt kind of selfish, so I also bought them matching T shirts, which I’m about to go give them. They’ve been out of town, so I haven’t seen them, but thankfully, they live behind me. So let’s go get them their gift. I’m not even gonna say anything. I’m just gonna walk in like I own the place, as I always do. And, yes, I drove unlocked. Hello, mother. Hello, father. These six mosquitoes really bother. Oh, my god. That is not an anniversary gift. That is a torture gift. Happy anniversary. That is a torture. You’re supposed to say thank you. I love my gift so much. Dad likes it. Thank you. You’re welcome. Yours is a T-shirt, mine is a hoodie. But I know a guy if you want a hoodie. And what’s the secret to 42 years of marriage? Lord Jesus, Dad, keep living and play pickleball.