Exploring the Depths of Privacy and Buried Trauma

Ooh, that’s the bit that I enjoy the most. Um, I think we all have dark sides, don’t we? I think. I think there’s a. A kind of a. A belief system going around that if people don’t tell you everything, they have something sinister to hide. I think that’s called privacy. Um, and I think that we often are very private people, and it doesn’t mean that we are necessarily dishonest or doing nefarious things, but I think we all have things, big and small, that we want to hide from people because perhaps we’re in process of dealing with them ourselves. Um, not necessarily because we’ve done anything, quote unquote wrong in, you know, in relation to my character, but, yes, I think I. I do play a woman who has things that she has buried, um, traumatic things that she has buried and I think buried trauma, I. I did read. I’m sure everyone in this room has read the book, but a book called The Body keeps the score and the way that that trauma can exist and. And remain in. In the body on a cellular level. And so I did think about what happens to, um, repressed memories and, um, things that we have avoided rather than dealt with. And so that was. I found it fascinating and quite painful. Yeah. And that was very grateful that I wasn’t in the same space.