PC Songs Review: Evaluating Three Tracks and Finding the Standout Winner

Take a listen to some of you guys. Three PC songs. Camera, can you give me 50 like Dustin many songs that it has to call you guys. Yeah, I’m stop you there. Please never do that again. Let’s take a look at submission No. 2. Oh, got a PC? Can you please just listen to me? But have one. Yeah, that one was three minutes long. I’m sure you get the gist of it. I did enjoy it, but I think we’re trending in the right direction. Let’s look at No. 3. Dear Carter.

My practice card is getting all that thinking needs a father. I love the 60. Super boy is running out of power. The .

God. Honestly, better than the original. You go back and listen. The audio mixing was actually pretty good, too. Definitely the best out of three. I still don’t get a computer, but.