Title: The Suitcase Murder Trial: Sarah Boone Hires New Attorney and Seeks Continuance

Welcome back, Sarah Boone. She, of course, is the defendant in the suitcase murder trial. She’s supposed to be back in court next week for a motion hearing before trial, which was set for about 30 days from. Just over 30 days from now, she’s supposed to be going to trial. Or you remember, she’s ripped through several attorneys. Eight attorneys, uh, have withdrawn from her case, so she was, uh, forced to represent herself. So the last few times she’s been in court, she has been arguing her own motions, handwritten motions from jail, and she’s been working through the system as best she can. Well, today things have changed. It appears as though she has hooked another attorney. A motion for a continuance was filed, uh, in Florida for Sarah Boone and on behalf of Sarah Boone, saying that defense counsel has been retained. And, um, this person has met with the defendant four times at the Orange County Jail. And during these meetings, the defendant has disclosed potential exculpatory evidence. They’re setting the table for this to get kicked down the, um. Kick the can down down the old street here a little bit longer and. And continue this case once again. So is she going to actually stand trial a little over a month from now? We’ll have to wait and see. If indeed, she has retained counsel, one would think a continuance would be necessary. Michael Jaffer is with us. Michael, the judge has had You know, has had enough of this, and, um, she put out this plea, I need an attorney. You want to be famous? You’ll be on court T V. She even made a flyer. And, um. And it appears as someone has answered the call and has met with her and has filed this motion for a continuance. If indeed, another attorney shows up and says, I am representing Sarah Boone. The judge is gonna have to push this, correct? Uh, yeah. I mean, look at Court TV, you know, that being so powerful that even attorneys are taking cases that they maybe otherwise would have rejected. Right. Very proud of Court TV, but, yeah. That the judge is gonna have to give her. She’s gonna have to give her her way on this. Uh, it has all the upsides and none of the downsides. And here. Here’s why. It’s not like Sarah Boone is sitting on an island, sipping Mai Tais, waiting for trial and just trying to push and push and. And delay the ball so she can continue her vacation. She’s in custody, right? So as long as there’s any. Any difference, you know, if she’s either guilty or she’s not. If she’s guilty, she’s already in cut. She’s already basically serving a sentence of a person who’s guilty of this, right? Giving her an attorney, especially when an attorney has showed up and showed up for 4, 4 times and is filing motions. It has all The upsides for the judge. Judge doesn’t want to have Sarah Boone defend herself and turn this case into a circus and then, you know, get it, you know, come back on appeal and say, well, I had an attorney. You don’t let me have an attorney. No, the judge wants her to have an attorney. And lose the right way. Right. And this, by the way, this case is an eminently winnable case. Not winnable in terms of Sarah Boone is gonna walk out and get a not guilty, but winnable in terms of it could be dropped down to voluntary manslaughter. I mean, this has voluntary manslaughter written all over it. Right? Uh, so, I mean, an attorney could really do right by Sarah Boone and the system and make even the judge happy. Uh, so she should have an attorney. If she doesn’t fire this attorney, great. If she fires this attorney, honestly, to be. For some reason, I feel like if the judge allows Sarah Boone to postpone her trial, have her attorney, and then she fires this attorney, I think she’s done. No matter. I don’t think care if the Supreme Court Justice retires and wants to defend Sarah Boone. At that point, the judge is gonna tell her you’re done. Yeah, Michael’s here for. Thank you. We need