Prince: The Healing Heart of a Furry Friend

Hey, what you doing up there? Oh, I can’t with this dog. I don’t think I’ve gotten any alone time in the past year. And honestly, I prefer it that way. He follows us around everywhere. He always knows how to put a smile on my face, which is so valuable to me. I think he knows that I need this now more than ever. My son rescued Prince, and he’s a constant reminder and representation of our son’s love. About a year ago, my son was killed in a tragic accident. Prince has been. Oh, my gosh, literally my emotional support animal. There’s a lot of times that I’ll just hold him and cry, um, and he just takes it. Sometimes his little eyes will just look at me. He’ll lick my face, lick my tears. I don’t know. I kind of feel like maybe he knows. So. He’s very loving. When my son passed away, we had several people that gifted us blankets with his pictures on them. He’ll hold on to them. He doesn’t wanna share them. I don’t know if he can see it or what it is, but he’ll wrap himself in them. When my son was around, he gave me the name of Granny. Everyone knows that these are like my grandbabies. One of the things that I have been trying to advocate is what happens to animals after their loved ones die. They’re so used to this. One person, and my son knew He knows that we’re doing what he would have done. I feel like it’s taking in his kids. There was never a question about it. At first, he was very shy and nervous. When we introduced him to our other dogs, Prince started coming out of his shell, and I think he started to realize, oh, that can be silly. We’ve gotten a lot closer. He’s like a child. He steals everything. What are you doing? It could be a ball or a sock. He doesn’t want to miss out on anything. Okay, thank you. He still is very clingy. There are times I’m like, get off my phone. Oh, thank you. Thank you. But I do appreciate it. He’s been a blessing to have during this time. Oh, my goodness. What are you doing? Why is he smiling like that? What are you doing, honey? Oh, I miss you.