Exploring Safety Rankings: A Look at Global Peace Index and Traveling to Greece and Croatia

gotta talk about this woman’s comment section Greece yeah alright in Greece safe I’m leaving for three months in Europe and one of the places I’m travelling to is Greece and I was talking to my mom last night and another place I’m travelling to is Croatia and she’s like going to safe because like back in the 90s it was not safe so of course I did a little Google and came across the 2024 Global Peace Index which is an annual report done that measures different factors of how peaceful a country is and stacks it against 163 other country now the piece winner here is Iceland followed by Ireland Austria New Zealand Singapore Switzerland you get the picture when I was initially looking for Croatia I found that it was 15th out of 163 so my mom can rest easy that it is pretty safe but of course and I wanted to continue on for the places that I’m visiting so then I looked at Greece which we found was 40 which is well over the halfway Mark the woman said she moved to Greece because it was safer for her child and just because of the way the algorithm works I’m gonna assume that she’s from the United States like I am I was frankly curious about where we ranked and look at that one 32 that’s considered low guys cause I was curious and I figured you might be here at the lowest and this makes sense I feel like a lot of these countries are in conflict right now so of course they’re not gonna be ranked high on a P scale I think the biggest call out here is crime literally happens anywhere and a feeling of safety is so personal so if that woman feels safer in Greece statistically she’s pretty correct