Countdown to Competition: Training, Reflections, and Anticipation

We are officially 64 days out from my first bodybuilding competition, and we are one day out from John Motherfucking Summit out here in Phoenix, Arizona. I cannot be more stoked. I cannot be more excited. And today could not have been better. It’s very relaxing day. We still hit all our non negotiables. We had a filthy training session. My friend and client Dave killed it. Learned a lot. We worked on a lot of things that we just had a little bit more struggle with, um, and couldn’t really recognize or see in terms of being in online. So just really good to see each other in person and get that. Just that all it takes is that one training session in person. Or that one little angle, or that one little tweak, or going a little bit harder, adding a little bit more intensity, slowing things down a little bit more, getting full range of motion. Just. We just hammered it all in. So we had a great filthy training session. We sawn it. Then we went to Costco, we read up. He’s tracking, too. He’s making sure he’s on top of his game. And then I got in my cardio session, got in 20 K steps. I think one thing that I lacked, as I didn’t get as much posing as I wanted to get in. But we got tomorrow. We got every day as an opportunity. And John freaking summer is tomorrow. So stay tuned. Let’s chill out. Let’s relax and let’s push even further.