Fireworks Sound Design: How to Capture and Create Unique Audio Samples for Music Production

If you live in a neighborhood that goes crazy with fireworks during the 4th of July and you’re staying in to protect your pets from all the noise or some other reason. Do yourself a favor and set up a couple of microphones outside and capture some of that free sound design. Just about any microphone we’ll do. And if you could use two microphones, have them point to different areas of the sky. And if possible, separate those mics by some distance to maximize the stereo effect. Now I’ve done this a couple times over the years, setting up microphones in different positions at our backyard and then just letting Pro Tools run for say 30,40 minutes.

Then you can go back to the session and edit those sounds into samples that you can put into your jaw or your sampler, use it for percussion sounds or even put effects on them. But whatever you do with them, the best part is they’re your sounds and nobody has them but you.