Subscription Trauma and the Rise of AI Features: Navigating Frustrations and Tech Glitches

This year has really been the year of subscription trauma, whether it’s to do with entertainment platforms, whether it’s to do with your video doorbell, and now also AI features on our phones. Yeah, I. I think people. What’s gonna happen is consumers gonna be pretty frustrated because they’re seeing the pitch, right? They’re seeing the advertisements for all these cool features, and when they discover that some of them don’t function because they didn’t pay extra, uh, I think they’re gonna be annoyed. Yeah. I used Gemini Live. The onstage demo was pretty straightforward, and I think part of that had to do with they’d run into some tech glitches. They had, like, literal fails during the event, uh, which we caught. Watch our TikToks, you’ll see them. Uh, but when they did the Gemini Live, which is conversational, they never interrupted it. So when I did my test, I purposely interrupted it because I was told I could do that, and honestly, it. It. It succeeded every time. It was just. It would just stop. As you interrupt it during a conversation, its voice gets low, and then it stops and then suddenly comes back and it isn’t. It’s already taken in what you said, and it’s. It’s pivoted, you know, to the new direction of the conversation. Uh, so that’s really impressive. Uh, and it’s really unfortunate that some people will not try it because they have to pay for it. It’s an interesting one. And Gemini Really came out swinging at this event and like, say, at the Samsung event as well. They’re gonna have to keep up the momentum and the, you know, we’re gonna be talking a bit about apple, and I think Apple’s gonna have a similar problem when it’s talking about apple Intelligence. Is this momentum is slowing down. People are getting burnt out by the subject.