Title: The Eye-Opening Journey Towards Veganism: A Perspective on Animal Welfare and Environmental Impact

What made you become a vegan? I mean, I’ve been vegan for over 25 years now and it was always about animals for me. So for me, the most important thing is just to do no harm. But everyone has a different reason. Have you ever, obviously doing this film where being one of the exact producers, have you seen or witnessed anything that’s really shocked you to your core regarding animals or the planet? I mean, I think, you know, I was shocked when I first Learned about, I, I, I was born vegetarian, so I’ve never eaten meat, but I, I did eat, uh, dairy and eggs when I, when I was younger and I was shocked to learn about the dairy and egg industry and I think I’ve just continually been shocked since then that first of all, it’s legal to do what we do to animals, that it’s encouraged, that it’s a for profit business and that it is still going on in 2024 and we haven’t even been able to reduce it yet. At this point, I think the whole thing is shocking.