Layers upon layers of gorgeous. Just like you. Ingredients. Zucchinis are overflowing in your gardens because, of course, you have a vegetable garden. But even if you don’t, zucchini season is here. Let me show you a totally vegetarian cheese and zucchini stuffed recipe. Oven baked. What else? What else? It’s just gorgeous. Now, the secret to this recipe is the pulp of the zucchini. Pulp, pulp, pulp. We’re going to extract it and cook it. Sizzle it with an onion to make it perfectly tender. Let’s go. Oh, it’s so emotional. Gonna be so good. Just like you. You can scoop the pulp out however you wish. It’s up to you. I’m using a little ice cream scoop. Actually, I don’t know what this is. Chop and roughly salt abundantly bread crumbs with parsley. The zucchini bap is nice and soft, and we great the copious amounts of Parmigiano Reggiano. Prepare your baking tray. Coat with extra virgin olive oil. Now, 20 to 30 minutes in the oven before the bread crumbs gone. And now the final touch. The parsley bread crumbs. See the oil in the pan? Just gonna put a little bit on top. And now we grill for five minutes. Feeling zesty. Add some lemon zest. Just gorgeous. Nana would be proud. Try that. The. The. The. The smells. No, it gets better. How can it be? I didn’t know such things were possible. We outdid ourselves. And now this is when you subscribe. Bye.