Music Marketing Mastery: From Album Rollout to Email List Growth

Do you want my generic album rollout plan, a in depth social media guide, a webinar on biggest band mistakes, and one of my first ebooks on social media, then just sign up to my email list via the link in bio. Not only will automatically send you all that cool stuff, but I also send my email list little articles every week with my opinions on the music industry, plus all sorts of discount. So really worth signing up, you know what I’m saying? Plus my email list gets all sorts of cool discounts. But also realize I want you to use this video as an example for how to grow your own email list. Cuz email list are one of the most effective tools you have for marketing your music career, right? Because no one can take it from you. You can’t randomly get banned because you posted the wrong thing, right? There’s no algorithm. You have to be, you just have a subject line. That’s cool. And people opening your email, that’s simple. And it’s not you to figure out cool things to get people to wanna join your email list. And there’s lots of good bait like demos, exclusive access to shows, limited edition merch, whatever. Anyway, if you want my album rollout, my social media plan, my social media ebook, and my webinar, join my email list here, then we can buy it.