Rapper Takashi 6 9 Faces International Arrest Warrant: Assault Allegations in the Dominican Republic

So do y’all remember that rapper Takashi 6 9? Well, in case it’s been a while since you’ve heard of him, he’s been in the news recently because he has an international warrant out for his arrest. The international warrant comes from the Dominican Republic, and it says that any country that’s able to get their hands on 6 9 must place him under arrest immediately. That is, of course, if he doesn’t surrender himself. And you may be asking yourself, what could have 6 9 possibly done this time? Y’all remember the infamous snitching tour bro went on? Well, this time it’s for assaulting two music producers, obviously in the Dominican in Republic. What allegedly happened was that these two music producers linked up with his girlfriend, and as soon as 6 9 confronted them, he allegedly attacked them. He was then placed under arrest in the Dominican Republic and released on a five hundred thousand dollar bond. Also, keep in mind this is allegedly not an isolated incident. Like Takashi 6 9 was allegedly moving even crazier in the Dominican Republic. Oh, here we are a couple months later and it looks like things are not getting better for him. Well, it looks like he now has every country on the lookout for him, and things are not looking good. Yeah, I really don’t think he’s getting himself out of this one.