Maximus Grape: A Zero Sugar Delight Review

Right now, it is an honour to announce some breaking news. The second Maximus Zero flavour is Maximus Grape, the sequel to Maximus Blue. Now normal Maximus Grape is one of my favourite drinks on the market. And you know, I want choice. I like full and zero sugar drinks. And now we have choice in both. Now this was supposed to be an exclusive first taste. They sent me two bottles, but on Sunday I needed it. I was about to die and it turned me back from a prune back into a plump plum. Okay, so yeah, second taste, let’s do it. Cheers. Honestly, they have nailed it. I can’t give it a rating because of my rule with paid promos, which I need to start sticking to. But it’s exactly the same in flavour as the full sugar. You can tell it’s zero sugar, but it is probably as good as a zero sugar can get. It follows the normal Maximus flavour profile. I am happy we finally have choice.