Parenting Dilemmas: Balancing Kidhood and Growing Up Too Fast

there are some parents that really make fun of their kids for being kids and liking kid things like have you ever seen an 11 year old boy who wants a Sonic the Hedgehog backpack and his mom is like you still like that baby stuff or a 9 year old girl picks up a doll and her dad is like girl you know you too big for that or when y’all get your kids things they don’t even really want and get mad at them for not respecting it in the way that you want them to respect it so you mad that you didn’t get your kid the light up shoes like they wanted and you got them the Jordans instead but you mad that they don’t take care of the Jordans then you start getting mad when your kids grow up too fast and they start wanting all the things that you want so it’s cool to make fun of your child for wanting the childish things but as soon as your child starts wanting the expensive things that are more for you you wish they would go right back to that childish stuff no it’s too late they grew up they grow up so fast and it’s probably because of you growing up I used to love the kids menu mostly cause I got crayons but eventually I wanted to eat food from the adult menu cause they have vegetables feel like if you gonna give your kid a grown up mentality about something it should be about food like it makes more sense for you to put in effort for your kid to eat broccoli than for you to object to them getting light up shoes