AI Front and Founders’ Innovations: Updates and Developments in the Tech World

two quick pieces of news on the AI front and then I have a teaser trailer for you so number one open AI and enthropic have agreed with the US AI Safety Institute to allow that government institution to have access to their models for safety testing I am as confused as you are I’m not sure what it means but I find the timing very significant and the reason for that is that this is in the middle of the SB 1047 passage debate yes it passed the Legislature there’s I think one more vote that has to happen before it goes to California Governor Newsome’s desk and then he has to decide whether or not to veto it and open AI is going to be in a stronger position to argue that the Bill isn’t needed if they can wave a federal government agreement that says we we are on board with safety we just want it to be done at the federal level not the state level we will see what happens but I’m really curious I’m also curious to know what they mean by safety institute and testing because my sense is this is all happening so fast that they don’t necessarily even know what all is going to be involved and this is generally an agreement for access and the details will be sorted out in a future date we shall see might be wrong second thing to call out uh Suhail who’s the founder of Mix Panel released a project yesterday and it was an unusual choice because he chose to release it straight to general availability he didn’t go into beta or anything like that and it’s an AI tool I have seen very very few founders do this and I’m very impressed so playground is a tool that is designed to let you be a graphic designer using text it gives you a lot of different options to play with you can play with the uh meme format they have a lot of preset memes but you can build your own you can play with T-shirt design you can play with logo design as an entrepreneur this is something that I would have killed for because I had to pay for my logo back in the day um and it was not a very good logo and that was on me for not choosing a very good designer there’s a lot of excellent designers and before you jump into this yes I do think there will still be a market for graphic designers I still think there will be a valuable uh premium attached to human design things and I think you can kind of see some of that difference you have excellent professional designs they’re very quick they’re very um clean in the playground AI that I was playing with but if you want something truly creative if you want something truly original if you want something like the Nike swoosh you’re probably not going to get that on a tool like playground that is going to remain something that human designers need to do and I think it’s actually a good example of how AI is making certain kinds of designs very easy certain kinds of workflows very easy you can see analogies with LLMs as well but there’s a lot that’s gonna remain human as well it’s not going away okay last thing teaser trailer uh I am starting to do occasional very long YouTube videos that actually go in depth on particular concepts I did one today it’s 32 minutes long it has a slideshow it’s all about foundational concept in large language models I did that because I’m starting to prepare a Maven course for the fall and I wanna have links to foundational concepts like uh you know how lolms work so that I can refer to those so I can link students to those and we can actually spend more of our time focused on the core of the course which is gonna be around tech and career strategy in the age of AI alright that’s what I got for you today have a great one happy Friday happy long weekend