Title: The Reality of AI in the Workplace: Managing Expectations and Challenges

The majority of CEOs think that AI is going to benefit the workplace because it enhances customer support and productivity. The reality is not exactly what you think. If you’ve ever used AI within a company, outside of a company, for your own personal use, you know that it’s not gonna solve world hunger. It’s not this great fix for everything. In fact, it can add to your workload. That’s the research we did with Upwork. Yeah. Employees say that all of this AI usage is actually making life a little bit more frustrating, because AI is not where maybe AI will be in three, five, 10 years. And so that you have to keep on using it, you need to know. You need to know what to ask it, and sometimes you’re not gonna get what you want, and that’s gonna create frustration and more work.