The Perspective of a Long-Range Artillery Main: Addressing Counterplay and Lane Matchups in League of Legends

I watched your what if everyone dodged recently and it got me curious. Do you see how your perspective can be seen as out of touch as you play mostly long range artillery main? Huh? If you sat on the tower permanently in bad matchups unable to CS for the 100. Your hypothesis is that if I was playing some other champion which rely less on farm and actually killing enemies I would advocate the opposite way a lot of the time I’m playing a roaming place that I don’t farm or I play support and which is I don’t need to tell you if you die to Pike once it’s miserable. Sure. For example, let’s say if you’re playing top lane and you get giga countered by by something, it’s a bit more punishing than if you get countered in let’s say mid lane cause it’s a shorter lane naturally but so what just the same amount of games you’re gonna be the one countering them should enemies dodge? Nah. Like to answer the question. I don’t think I’m out of touch and I don’t think my opinion would have changed depending on my champion pool at all.