Beyond the Numbers: True Happiness and Freedom in Life

Anyone that says you only need $70,000 a year in order to be happy, cause some study said that. Bullshit. If anyone out there thinks they wanna be famous, I’ll tell you, you do not wanna be famous. Famous takes away your freedom. People say they wanna be famous, you absolutely don’t. What you want is you want a friend that you love and that love you. You wanna have enough resources plus a bit more so that you feel safe. Anyone that says you only need $70,000 a year in order to be happy, cause some study said that. Bullshit. You need enough money so that you feel safe about your present and your future. That number differs for different people. Okay, so that’s a study. I don’t care what the data say. Like, look at the real world and usually it’s a rich person saying you only need that amount of money, by the way. You need some sense of passion or connection to the world. And you need a sense of freedom, that you can be you and that you won’t get attacked for it. We know this throughout history, this has been proven over and over again. So fame is bullshit. Like, fame takes away your freedom. The rest of it, social connection, some resources, a connection to some passionate exploration, curiosity, even if it’s very private and no one ever sees it. Like those things are. Are really what make life rich.