5 Common Mistakes New Real Estate Photographers Make and How to Avoid Them

Here are the five biggest mistakes that new real estate photographers make. Mistake No. 1 is not having straight verticals. So you never want to shoot like this down into a room. You want to shoot straight onto the room. Mistake number two is actually being in the room when you shoot it. Real estate agents want the widest possible shots possible, so you definitely want to pull your camera and just have the tip of the lens in the room. Mistake No. 3 is not taking a second to clean up clutter. Dog toys, furniture, stuff on the counter. Always make the scene look good before you take the photo. Mistake No. 4 is taking way too many photos. Sometimes you get in a bigger house like this and you go crazy and end up with 80 photos, and that takes forever. Shoot only the photos you’re gonna end up delivering. And mistake No. 5, and the biggest one of them all, is shooting real estate with the flash. If you have anything connected to this hot shoe mount, you are still living in the dark ages. And there’s a way easier way to shoot real estate. It makes it faster, less expensive year, and overall just way easier.