Reflecting on the Impactful Collaboration on the ‘Arthur’ Soundtrack with Kiki

One collaboration that we did was on the song Arthur. You know, the soundtrack for Arthur? Girl, what a wonderful kind of day. Yeah. You learn to love and play and get along with. It’s. Yeah. And make things better and learn it together. Oh, my god, guys, that song. And what I love about that song, too, and when I look at stuff from our childhood that is as. As. As impactful as that kind of thing is, like, the messages were always so good. Like, not only wasn’t a fun beat, but the words were about being together and. And loving and family and. Oh, my gosh. So, wait a minute, you guys, that you were on that? Yeah. Yeah, they did. They did lead. Ziggy Marley and the Melody Makers did lead. But us as kids, we were like, hey, hey, baby, this is. This is Kiki.