Switching Places in the Heisman House: A Fun and Colorful Perspective

That’s a good one. Gotta think about all the ramifications. If you had to switch places with another member of the Heisman House, who would it be? If I had to switch places? Uh, Reggie Bush. Reggie Bush. I can’t say anybody you know, I really enjoy bringing me, you know, to the Heisman House. Now we’ll go with RG three. I can’t say a rival cause that means I would have to wear their colors and then I would throw up cause it would be so disgusting. So I’ll say Coach Spurrier cause he’s having fun here today because I did there. I kept the Gator theme going. What is the funniest thing a heckler has ever said to you during a game? Oh, my god. Is this PG or is that you? I don’t know how to respond. I’ve been called everything under the sun. Do you kiss your mother with that mouth? Yes, it’s me. Doesn’t matter who I am. What’s your response to that