Winging It: The Hard Truths and Musings of a Grown Child

Do you dare? I blinked and the weekend was gone. I mean, I was so happy on Friday, I mean, to just be off work, to get a break. And now I’m like, what break? I mean, is it really too much to ask that we shut down and get a seamless check again, a lot of them, and this time double the distance that we gotta keep between each other.

2 true. Speaking of which, we really out here at the like Covid never have it. That’s kind of concerning. But anyways, seriously, I know it seems like all I do is complain. I mean, cuz I do, but life is life at a little harder than what I thought. So I think I have every right to complain. You see, 18 year old me thought that I was gonna be thick and a millionaire by now. And look at it, sitting over here, 112 pounds, soaking wet, trying not to quit my job off impulse and looking at my student loan, they like who gonna pay it is and you see this life is really hard when you realize that money is made up. We really out here fighting for nothing when we should all be growing trees and, I don’t know, trading goods with each other some, but instead we are here paying for stuff that God gave us for free.

Shout out to Orlando. But no, for real. Instead, I’m a grown child just out here winging it, hoping and praying for the best every day. I mean, I learn more now than I ever did as a kid. And it feels wrong to say this, but I’m tired of learning. I don’t want to think. I don’t want to work. I don’t want to pay for nothing. good. I just want to live.